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Rise of AI: STRATMOR, ChatGPT on AI in the Mortgage Industry

There is no version of the future that doesn’t include Artificial Intelligence — AI. That genie is out of the bottle, and the only ...
Artificial intelligence, AI, will have an impact on the mortgage industry.

Thinking About Wholesale? Considerations for LOs and Lenders

It is no secret that mortgage industry volumes and profits are under extreme duress. Mortgage originators are scrambling to generate new business as demand ...
The wholesale channel may be the puzzle piece that fits for mortgage originators and lenders considering moving into or expanding into a new mortgage channel.

Home Equity Lending: Opportunity, Necessity or Distraction?

Mortgage bankers are continuously focused on new products to gain a competitive edge. This is typically done to take advantage of the normal ebbs ...
Mortgage lenders in 2023 are considering their mortgage loan product line. STRATMOR analyzes the home equity lending market.

What A Burger Chain Can Teach the Industry About Secret Shopping

Recently, I found myself in an oddly slow-moving elevator listening to two people engaged in a passionate discussion about the restaurant Five Guys. “No ...
What Five Guys burger chain can teach mortgage lenders about secret shopping.

At the Intersection of Mortgage Lending and Wealth Management

The main intersection near my house is being torn up and replaced. What were previously three lanes in each direction are now down to ...
Mortgage lending at the intersection with wealth management may be more work, cost and stress than usual but the rewards can be great.

Unlocking the ROI of Mortgage Technology

“Grab a water, grab a towel, get your life together, boo.” — Cody Rigsby, Peloton® instructor. If you are able to read and hear ...
Mortgage lenders need to exercise their technology to unlock the ROI it brings.

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