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What a Doll and Her Dream House Teach Us About the Mortgage Ecosystem

We’re living in a mad world. I don’t just say that because I’m writing this as we come out of March Madness, when literally ...

Lender Perspectives on the 2022 Market

What a ride the last two years have been in the mortgage industry! With between 40 and 60 consulting engagements and multiple STRATMOR-sponsored, recurring ...
the mortgage market is entering a down cycle in 2022

Consumer Direct: It’s Nurture vs Nature in Purchase Business

Often, my articles start with data. Today, I start with a story. Pretend you are at a cocktail party (a gathering that occurred pre-Covid ...
It is nurture over nature with borrowers in mortgage purchase market

Mortgage Psych 101 — FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

In our consulting practice at STRATMOR, there are recurring themes that our clients tend to approach us about in terms of improving their businesses ...
mortgage lender cowers from fear of missing out shadow

Prepare Now for the Storms Ahead: Build Your Purchase Business

In the mortgage industry, we have survived a tsunami — in fact, we have ridden a wave of profits that the refinance tsunami gave ...
storms rising and mortgage lenders need to prepare for purchase market

Retail Mortgage Branches: Which is Better, Expense Management or Corporate?

I spoke with a mortgage banking executive recently and asked how his company was organized from a retail branch perspective. He said, “We are ...

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