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Retail Mortgage Branches: Which is Better, Expense Management or Corporate?

I spoke with a mortgage banking executive recently and asked how his company was organized from a retail branch perspective. He said, “We are ...

Organizational Consistency in the Customer Experience

Have you ever wondered why every Target you walk into has a familiar feel to it? Whether you are in Chicago or L.A. or ...
mortgage borrowers rate lenders higher who have an organizational approach to the customer experience.

End Well by Starting Right: Provide an Initial Checklist

My wife likes to tell the story of how we first met, which culminates in a teeter-totter moment of decision where she very nearly ...
mortgage loan processors provide an initial checklist to borrowers to help start the origination process well.

How Mortgage Lenders Can Make Economics, Operations and Technology Actionable

As we approach the halfway mark for 2021, now is a good time to level-set, to take a moment to get our bearings and ...
mortgage lenders need to keep their eye on the prize with strategies to meet the changing market.

What’s Keeping Mortgage Servicers Awake at Night?

2020 was a very busy year for those of us tasked with advising mortgage lenders and loan servicers on their servicing retention strategy. By ...
mortgage servicer losing sleep over strategies

Connecting with Servicing Borrowers Key to Increased Retention

When a borrower completes the mortgage loan process, there is a strong chance that they will have positive feelings about it. Whether it’s relief ...
Happy mortgage borrower talks to servicing provider by phone

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