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How to Play the Long Game in Mortgage Originations

October has long been my favorite month, partly because it’s the season of apple-picking, pumpkin spiced donuts and trick-or-treating. But even more than that, ...
Aaron Judge success teaches mortgage originators how to win the long game.

Designing a Race-Winning Mortgage Customer Experience

I was maybe six years old the first time I saw a NASCAR® race on TV. I remember I was thoroughly unimpressed. The only ...
mortgage lending roles and technology parallel those of auto racing pit crews.

Customer Experience on the Front Lines: Turning Vision into Action

Typing this from 30,000 feet on my fifth flight of the week, I suppose it is only natural that the customer experience of weary ...
mortgage lenders need to create a vision for front line mortgage staff focused on the customer experience.

Strategies for the Down Cycle: Options for Mortgage Lenders

Psychologists estimate that the average person makes as many as 35,000 decisions per day. Many decisions we make subconsciously, and out of habit; other ...
mortgage lenders face tough decisions in the 2022 lending environment

A CX Strategy to Put the Odds Ever in Your Favor

When the movie “The Hunger Games” came out back in 2012, I remember thinking to myself, “This is very intriguing. A winner-takes-all, life-and-death game ...
Mortgage lenders need to bravely climb the rocky cliffs of improving the customer experience in a down market

To Pay or Not to Pay: The Question of Signing Bonuses

It’s no secret that our industry is experiencing a very challenging market right now. We are seeing layoff announcements practically every day, and while ...
mortgage industry signing bonus

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