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Are Originators Looking in the Right Places in the Hunt for New Business?

One of my favorite memories of childhood is my first Easter egg hunt — in no small part due to the mountain of jellybeans ...

Mortgage Technology: The Road to Blockchain

Recently, Brett McCracken and I discussed technology innovations. Blockchain and eClose advancements were at the top of our topic list. These discussions reminded me ...

Keep Singin’ in the Down-Market Rain: Invest in CX

Many of us have heard the adage, “Make hay while the sun shines.” In other words, take advantage of the good conditions by working ...
Keep Singin in the Down-Market Rain and Invest in CX

Lender Perspectives on the 2022 Market

What a ride the last two years have been in the mortgage industry! With between 40 and 60 consulting engagements and multiple STRATMOR-sponsored, recurring ...
the mortgage market is entering a down cycle in 2022

Use CX to Quarterback Your Team to Success in 2022

25 years ago, Tom Brady and I were both taking snaps for our respective high school football teams. One could argue that his career ...
Use CX to Quarterback Your Team to Success in 2022

Purchase-Centric Habits Are Key to Success in 2022

Did you write down New Year’s resolutions for 2022? If you’re like me, resolutions can be a bit of a mixed bag. It’s great ...
purchase centric habits are a key for mortgage lender success in 2022

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