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I, Robotics: Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in the Mortgage Industry

Recently, I asked a lender what his company was doing to reduce processing errors and he told me, “We’re looking into robotics.” I was ...
finger from hand of technology touching finger of human hand illustrating robotics and AI

Face to Face with First-Time Homebuyers

Studies have shown that more than half of smartphone users stare at their screens more than five hours per day, and the average person ...
young couple shaking hands with real estate agent illustrating personal touch for first time homebuyers

Digital Fuels Innovation for a Better Customer Experience

STRATMOR has just completed the Digital Innovations section of the 2019 Technology Insight® Study and for the third year in a row, lenders perceive ...
idea bulb and innovation arrow illustrate how digital fuels innovation for a better customer experience

Which Came First, the Testimonial or the Sale?

One of my colleagues is in the market for a new car. How do I know? She asked me not only about the car ...
surprised looking yellow chick breaking out of egg surrounded by unhatched eggs.

Who are the Most Tech Savvy Borrowers?

With so much emphasis on the Millennial buyer (25-39 year-olds), some of the other major buyer blocks — Gen Z (under 25) as well ...
tech savvy older woman in casual clothes sitting outside reading her phone screen

Myth Busters: Dispelling Common Myths in Mortgage Banking

The popular, Emmy-Nominated TV show MythBusters was a weekly documentary in which two Hollywood special effects experts attempted to debunk urban legends by directly ...
man in suit facing subway wall with the words Facts and Myths with arrows in opposite directions under the words

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